Monday, July 22, 2013

Fresh mountain spring

Greetings wonderful people !

In the past few days I did lots of treasure hunting, in nature, and at a awesome swap meet in Santa Cruz.

I've made my way from Carmel to Santa Cruz.

I stop in Carmel every time I make my way up the coast, specifically for two reasons.  The first being it has one of the best dog beaches on the west coast.  Dakota loves it and always has lots of fellow K-9's to play with, and the second being, The Garden Shop.  Its become a regular thing now, to stop in at a beautiful outdoor Garden Boutique and sell my art.

One of my goals while traveling up and down the coast is to establish several clients that will buy my art.  I work a lot on the road.  Its not all fun and relaxation.  In fact, many times I cannot really relax, until I've put in some work hours and made some money.  What better way to do this, than traveling up the California Coast.


 Yes I'm back in the Cruz of things.

Its really a special place here Santa Cruz,  where the Ocean meets the forest/mountains.  Not only that, the people here are in another state of mind.  Yesterday several people came up to me smiling introducing themselves and talked with me for a bit.  This is uncommon in southern California.  At least uncommon, if you are just walking down the street, or in a store, unless you know the person.

Anyway very, very, very, glad to be back.  : ) >

So yesterday I went to and located an amazing fresh water spring close by.  Yesssssss !

The living water, the water that heals, full of minerals, and hydrates your body like nothing on the planet.

I recommend everyone finding a natural spring source around where you live, and at least flushing your system out once a month, with the God water.  A great place to start in finding a spring is,

Peace and Love

JaySun and Dakota the woof !

The water that heals.

The Spring is located off, Empire Grade road.  Off Empire Grade road about 50 feet from the Empire Quarry road entrance.  At the top of the mountain.  The water here is said to have a TDS at 35ppm.  That is total dissolved solids.  The average tap water contains 350 ppm.

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